
Our partners' expertise extends to both housing and industrial construction, ensuring that You have access to the best equipment and machinery tailored to Your project needs. Together with our on-growing network of trusted suppliers, we provide you with high-quality materials and advanced construction tools that enhance productivity and ensure project timelines are met.

In the construction industry, achieving efficiency, sustainability, and innovation is essential for success. Our consulting services are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of modern construction through advanced solutions and technologies. We specialize in sourcing and implementing SIP panels and modular houses, which revolutionize housing construction with their superior energy efficiency and rapid assembly times.


We gather partners

with innovative solutions

for appliance

in construction industry.

Let us help you transform your construction projects with innovative materials,

state-of-the-art equipment, and advanced design techniques that set you apart in the competitive construction landscape.

We also focus on the critical aspects of interior and exterior elements, ensuring that every component of your construction project meets the highest standards of quality and aesthetics.

Our approach incorporates parametric design principles, enabling us to deliver innovative and customized solutions that meet your specific requirements and enhance the overall functionality and appearance of your structures.


join us, promote

Your solutions


If you offer solutions for construction industry, or if you manufacture and/or distribute specialized equipment for the sector, we invite you to collaborate with us.

We find & deliver

products, services & solutions

About PolSupply


We arrange business relationships between Scandinavian companies and manufacturers as well as service providers from Poland, Baltic States and more...

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Our offer


Polsupply Sp. z o.o.

Aleja KEN 36/112 B

02-797 Warszawa





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